HiFiMAN HE1000-Stealth Planar Magnetic Headphones


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Most recent model also called HE1000 V3 or HE1000-Stealth

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1 303,28 €

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Brand: HiFiMAN


NEW HE1000 V2 Planar Magnetic Headphones - STEALTH MAGNET REVISION (2023)

We are glad to announce you that HiFiMAN have updated the HE1000 V2 headphone with his latest driver technology: the “Stealth Magnets” which feature a special shape that enables waves to pass through the magnets without generating interference.

Sonics are detailed and transparent, exposing every detail of the recording without extraneous noise.

HIFIMAN’s Stealth Magnet technology is acoustically transparent, dramatically reducing wave diffraction turbulence that degrades the integrity of the sound waves, maximizing the accuracy of the sonic output.

The new stealth version of the HE1000 V2 takes its performance to a higher level by being easier to drive, enhancing body, perfecting the image, and further improving the soundstage.

Revolutionary in design and engineering, the diaphragm in nanometer thickness of the HiFi Man HE1000 V2 Planar Magnetic Headphones is extremely low in mass, which helps it acheive a faster response rate and lower distortion.

New Features

  • Slightly more ergonomical design to the original HE-1000 headphones. Including an improved headband design that is lighter, stiffer and able to accommodate a wider range of head sizes.
  • Slimmer ear cups reducing weight on the ears and increasing comfort
  • Exceptional sonic performance and luxurious materials bestow quality and exclusivity
  • The HE-1000 V2 is built on world first technology and over 7 years of research using nanometer grade materials to give you the most amazing sound quality

World’s First Diaphragm in Nanometer Thickness: The diaphragm in nanometer thickness is extremely low in mass, yielding faster response and lower distortion. “…sounded remarkable and may motivate me to do a lot more headphone listening…” Jim Hannon, The Absolute Sound

Advanced Asymmetrical Magnetic Circuit: 7 years of research and devotion into the groundbreaking design offers near perfect reproduction of live music. Regular driver: insufficient construction of sound apertures from classical planar magnetic driver creates reflections, deflections, and refraction of sound waves, resulting in audible distortion. HIFIMAN Advanced Asymmetrical Planar Driver: the innovative design of the double-sided, asymmetrical magnetic circuits is the perfect marriage of the diaphragm in nanometer thickness and its magnetic partner. The result is Planar Magic. “The new HE1000 nailed it…at least as fat as a headphone could on quick listen at a show. This sounds like a reference level headphone.” Tyll Hertsen, Innerfidelity

Patented “Window Shade” System: Created to meet the need for driver protection and optimized open-back design. Regular headphone: Traditional grill designs tend to reflect sound waves, creating audible interference and distortion. HE1000: the patented “Window Shade” design is precisely structured to achieve an optimal open-back design. It prevents interference from the sound waves, avoiding unwanted reflections and vibrations, which cause distortion. This results in a wider and natural soundstage, outstanding imaging and remarkable clarity. "For the listener, the net effect is not unlike having one’s ears and brain “hard-wired” to the original recording console, which affords an exceptionally intimate view of the music." Chris Martens, HiFi+

Meticulously Crafted and Quality-Checked by Hand: With its unique design, exceptional function and exquisite craftsmanship, the HE100 is the total luxury item that redefines the audio landscape.

Enjoy Excellent Comfort and Remarkable Sound Quality: Ergonomic and comfortable, the headband features a steady arch structure, a universal design with improved reliability and durability. “…the ginormous HE1000 made even my head look tiny. Despite its size, the HE1000 felt light on the head.” Jude, Head-Fi


  • Owner's Guide
  • Headphone Cables (3m for 6.35mm plug, 3m for 4-pin XLR plug, 1.5m for 3.5mm plug)
  • Earpads: 1 Pair (on the Headphone)


  • Style: Open Back 
  • Driver type: Planar Magnetic
  • Impedance: 32 Ohm
  • Sensitivity: 93 dB
  • Frequency response: 8Hz-65KHz
  • Weight: 458g


- 1* XLR cable (3m)

- 1* 6.35mm cable (3m)

(Cables have been changed to black cable instead of the transparent cables in the old versions)

The Planar Magnetic Operating Principle

You can think of planar magnetic drivers as a sort of crossbreed between dynamic and electrostatic drivers. Like a standard dynamic headphone, planar magnetic headphones use the magnetic field around a conductor that has electrical current flowing through it to drive the diaphragm. Like an electrostatic driver, the diaphragm of a planar magnetic speaker is a thin sheet of flexible transparent film, but unlike an electrostat, the film has very thin, flat electrical conductors (wires ... but very flat ones) in it.

HiFiMAN at a glance

Founded by Dr. Fang Bian in 2007, HiFiMAN is widely regarded as one of the leading manufacturers of high performance headphones and portable audio products. HiFiMAN is especially known for its critically-acclaimed Planar-Magnetic headphones that feature state-of-the-art driver technology. The company also designs and manufactures best-in-class dynamic in-ear drivers which have also garnered awards and rave reviews. HiFiMAN also owns and operates Head-Direct, an online webstore featuring the finest headphones and portable audio players available today, including HiFiMAN products.

In demo at PlayStereo Studio and other authorized dealers.


HiFiMAN Electronics is a designer and manufacturer of audio products including headphonesamplifiers, and portable audio players

Founded by Dr. Fang Bian in 2007, HiFiMAN is widely regarded as one of the leading manufacturers of high performance headphones and portable audio products. HiFiMAN is especially known for its critically-acclaimed Planar-Magnetic headphones that feature state-of-the-art driver technology. The company also designs and manufactures best-in-class dynamic in-ear drivers which have also garnered awards and rave reviews. HiFiMAN also owns and operates Head-Direct, an online webstore featuring the finest headphones and portable audio players available today, including HiFiMAN products. 

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HiFiMAN HE1000-Stealth Planar Magnetic Headphones

Most recent model also called HE1000 V3 or HE1000-Stealth

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Ormai è da qualche mese che sono in compagnia di queste cuffie e devo dire che sono veramente appaganti un po' con tutta la musica. Ascolto prevalentemente pop, jazz fusion, rock ed è anche un piacere cominciare ad esplorare il vasto mondo della classica. Sono molto soddisfatto! Grazie

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Finalmente ci siamo!

Dopo anni di ascolto con la Sennheiser 800s, e in precedenza con la 800, (amplificata adeguatamente) sentivo che qualcosa mi mancava nel suono. Finalmente con HE-1000 sono riuscito a far quadrare il cerchio. Durante l'ascolto ci sono momenti in cui ho l'impressione di sentire il suono provenire dalle casse del mio impianto, piuttosto che da un paio di cuffie. Equilibrate in tutti i parametri, avranno forse un tantino meno di sound stage rispetto alle sennheiser ma per il resto le preferisco su tutti i fronti.

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Il mio nuovo riferimento, ad un rapporto prestazioni costo stell

Tanta passione per la musica, da ascoltare e produrre, ascolto in cuffia da sempre. Tra le varie, AKG K1000 (mio regalo di laurea.. tanti anni fa) e K802, Grado GS 325 e GS 1000, Audeze LCD2 Fazor legno di rosa, Hifiman Sundara, Ultrasone edition 12, Sennheiser HD600 e 800s 75 anniversario. Quest'ultima il mio riferimento, anche per i monitoraggi finali sulla musica che creo. Tante cuffie, ognuna con una propria personalità, e predisposizione a ottimali accoppiamenti con determinate elettroniche.
Bene, con la HE1000 Stealth è accaduto qualcosa di nuovo, anche rispetto alla 800s, per me un riferimento per correttezza timbrica e soundstage. La HE1000 mette in focus gli strumenti, le voci, con una naturalezza disarmante, li "vedi". Ha la tenuta in potenza della Audeze, ma con una definizione e realismo di altro livello. Non si tratta più tanto di "piacere" , dove ogni cuffia ha la sua "espressività" (adoro il jazz e voci sulla Grado 1000 ad esempio, o i cori in acustico sulla magica K1000), ma attraverso la Stealth sei li, in sala di registrazione o nell'auditorium, con un soundstage non ampio come la 800s, ma forse più corretto, con una più netta focalizzazione tra i macro e micro dettagli. Sicuramente un salto avanti sul piano tecnico, un prodotto che per estetica, costruzione e prestazioni, venduto al prezzo attuale ha un rapporto prezzo prestazioni incredibile. Non nascondo che ho atteso la Stealth contemplando anche l'ipotesi che avrei potuto restituirla, se non avessi riscontrato un "salto" rispetto alla 800S. Sono bastati pochi istanti, senza neanche il rodaggio d'obbligo, per capire che l'avrei tenuta (e la 800S resta comunque una bellissima cuffia).

Ovviamente migliori saranno le sorgenti meglio si esprimerà, come d'altra parte tutte le cuffie di rango ( ho ascoltato la K1000 e la 800S in configurazioni dove suonavano decisamente sterili e anonime). Ascolto la Stealth in configurazione bilanciata ma va benissimo anche con jack da 6,5 mm, l'importante è che ci sia qualità a monte.
Un grazie a Playstereo per i feedback e chiarimenti durante la fase di acquisto.

Le mie sorgenti digitali: Mac mini 1, DAC Audio GD D7, reclock SOTM, cavi USB Audioquest coffee. Amplificazione: Violectric v281 - Darkvoice valvole customizzato - Schiit LYR

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